Risking his life to ensure humanity's surviva...
"That's so empty" He pissed me off because it...
The story of a Succubus who comes to the huma...
Student Wu Mian accidentally obtained a mask....
When the gorgeous Nanami Barato confesses to ...
Guts, known as the Black Swordsman, seeks san...
Growing up in the late 16th century Sengoku e...
In the American Old West, the world's greates...
After his sister is devoured by a dragon and ...
In a certain place, there are two neighboring...
10 years ago, after “the Gate” that connected...
Wakana Gojou is a fifteen year old high-schoo...
Just like how everyone adored heroes in their...
The ordinary Mikami Satoru found himself dyin...
The demon-filled dimension known as "Mato" ha...